Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Making Summer a Splash

Keeping cool isn't always that easy during the summer. It isn't for humans so you know it's not easy for dogs. They are basically wearing a coat year-round. Which reminds me...
Shaving your dog down during the summer is really important, especially if they are "outside" dogs. Adoni doesn't even know what that means. He's a bit pampered, unlike the majority of the dog population. Shaving your dog is GREAT if they are outside, but still remember to give them shade. Sunburn can also occur with your canine companion as well....not too fun for them. For the most part, they will not burn with their fur, but as soon as you shave them down dangerous UV rays are more likely to crisp your pooch. I shave Adoni down, even though he's an "inside" dog. It's a real help with the amount of vacuuming I have to do, AND he stays cool and comfortable. He looks like a puppy again shaved down :)
Shaved down and relaxing

For outside dogs, a plastic kiddie pool is a great option. You just have to be careful to clean it like you would his water bowl. You don't want forms of algae and amoeba to grow and possibly make your dog sick. Just rinse and fill up daily! Find a nice shady area to keep it under and **BAM**you have yourself a doggy spa.
Pic thanks to petlady.com
The obvious is to make sure your pup has PLENTY of cool fresh water ALL day!...even if you kitchen stays like a swamp like mine does. Adoni has a bad habit of forgetting to close his mouth after drinking, so my kitchen floor suffers the consequences.

Adoni LOVES ice, which is another great way to keep cool during the hot summer days. I will fill up ice trays with chicken broth every once in a while for Adoni and he loves those. They are a bit messy though, so definitely an outside treat.

This is a great website for frozen doggy treats. http://www.dogtreatkitchen.com/frozen-dog-treats.html

Until another day....


P.S. I trip to the lake is always nice :)

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