Monday, June 4, 2012

Splurging While I Can...

After completing my undergraduate degree, Adoni has become a bit spoiled. I work a bit more than I did when I was in school, but am still home more than I ever was. He is loving it, but has began to chew things in spite when left for long periods of time. Needless to say this is frustrating. He hasn't chewed things since a pup. He hasn't done it for a few days thanks to frozen applesauce in his Kong toy. Kongs have to be the best thing invented for dogs with separation anxiety and are food driven. I have also been taking him more places, which, of course, means more trips to Pet Smart. Here are a few new favorites from Adoni's stash.

1. Of course, the Kong is a favorite.
There have been many experiments with the Kong filling, including the stuff that Kong sells...Adoni isn't much a fan of that cheese whiz looking stuff. He loves peanut butter, but that's not always good either because of the calorie content. I have stuffed his favorite treats in and plugged the Kong with the peanut butter, but that didn't last long. He is way to smart and figures that out too quickly. Since he also has a love for ice, I tend to freeze the contents of the Kong. The best filler so far has been unsweetened applesauce or canned pumpkin....not the kind for pumpkin pie....the kinda gross stuff with no sugar added or anything fun...just plain pumpkin. That freezes the best, has the lowest calories, and lasts the longest while I am gone...which generally means less damage to our lovely home.

2. Hemp Fleece Lined Harness
He used to have another orange harness, but quickly became to big for it. This is a great alternative to for uncomfy, itching harnesses that ALL dogs tend to scratch at eventually. It is a super soft hemp material that can be washed and has a fleece lining which lies softly on their coat. His other harness tended to pull his hair up and be annoying. Planetdog is the brand I believe.

This is his older orange harness that WAS waterproof, but see he it ruffled his fur really bad. It made him bite and naw at it when he was exploring outside.
3. This Adoni's FAVORITE toy.
This is the ONLY toy that has escaped being destroyed or just gotten plain yucky. It is his favorite armadillo and goes on all trips (vacations, trips to Wilson) He loves some other toys but something about this particular one is amazing. It is fuzzy and quite cute, but has a honker that hasn't stopped honking in almost a year. It has made it through a million "honks" and through one trip through the washing machine. It took a while for the honk not to sound like a drowning goose, but it dried out.

4. A backpack for the true adventurer!
This Aussie Natural Backpack is something he loves and I love for different reasons. I love to go hiking and I try to take Adoni with me, because of his love for the outdoors. I have a camel back for water, but I don't like to have to haul around bottles of water for him, but don't want him drinking stagnant water from creeks either. This is the perfect solution for both of us. Since he has twice the energy as I do, this is perfect for carrying his OWN water and wearing him out a bit faster. This is also good for people that want to worry him to death....he isn't always a fan of a lot of people trying to pet him. This pack mistakes him for a service dog, in which they leave him alone.

5. His DUCKY!
Adoni is pretty much a fan of anything that makes a low deep honky noise. This is a picture of the first day I gave him this duck toy...and as you can see he was thrilled. This AKC Mallard didn't stand the test of time like his armadillo did unfortunately. It was also about 15 bucks less than that toy, which probably had a lot to do with it. Still, it is a favorite which I tend to repurchase every 6 months or so.

As far as his treats go....that's a whole separate post. That dog is all about some food, for training, for fun, for boredom, for name it he wants it. Which is why picking calorie wise choices is a must. Anyway, off to bed and thanks for reading. See ya again soon!


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